建築突變 “Mutant Architecture” _ Audrey Salmon Solo Exhibition
Exhibition Date : 29th. March. 2008- 21st . April . 2008 Opening Reception: 29th . March . 2008 / Sat 3pm – 7:30pm Address: FakeSpace北京虛空間 / 北京市朝陽區(qū)百子灣路32號蘋果社區(qū)(北區(qū))3B-111 郵編100022 Contact No: +86 10 58264512 Website: www.fakedesign.co.uk
奧黛麗·西門(Audrey Salmon)于1977年出生在法國里昂。
于2001年拿到里昂高等藝術高等學校的平面設計碩士學位之後,她就開始了她的創(chuàng)作生涯,而平面設計和攝影都是她的表達媒介。2007年她參加了義大利設計品牌Moleskine為年輕藝術家舉辦的藝術創(chuàng)作比賽,並獲得了第三名。 比賽後為獲獎者的作品舉辦的“Invitation au Voyage”展覽使她有機會把她的創(chuàng)作帶到一些亞洲城市做巡展,其中包括香港、新加坡和臺北。
自2005年起,她開始在北京生活和工作。 來到中國是一份令人難以置信的都市體驗, 她對於這個城市的“歐洲”式的設想被一種全新的建築景觀打破和取代。 城市的景觀在 不停的改變,這便是她近期工作背後的靈感源泉。 在這裡,人們會感覺到永恒不斷的位移,因為“你幾乎永遠不知道身在何方, 因為這裡所有的一切每天都在變化”。 攝影本身在追趕這種都市張力的能力上是存在限制的; 而這個展覽旨在將這個奇特而迷人的宇宙的點滴重構和詮釋為圖像。 生物體本身的變化來自基因的突變,然而在過去幾十年的中國, 因為劇烈的經(jīng)濟與 改革開放,中國的城市面貌也産生了倣彿基因突變的效果。 居民內(nèi)心深處的慾望和危機感日以俱增, 淵遠流長的文化傳統(tǒng)在城市建構參與者的眼中交替與淪陷。
奧黛麗·西門(Audrey Salmon)的 “建築突變”系列作品展現(xiàn)出一個旁觀者的記錄並觸動觀者的臆想。
Audrey Salmon was born in 1977 in Lyon, France. After graduating fromLyon’s High Institute of Arts with a Master Degree in Graphic Design2001, she has been engaged in her artistic production, which uses bothgraphic design and photography as a medium of expression.
In 2007, Audrey participated to Italian designer-stationery brand Moleskine’s competition for young artists, where she won the third prize. This resulted in Audrey’s participation to « Invitation au Voyage», an itinerant exhibition which brought her work to a number of Asian cities, including Hong Kong, Singapore and Taipei.
Since 2005 Audrey lives and works in Beijing. Her coming to China was a mind-boggling urban experience, as her ‘European’ vision of the city was shattered and replaced by a new kind of architectural landscape. This was the source of inspiration behind her most recent work, which sees the urban landscape as an entity in perpetual mutation. People experience a feeling of constant displacement, as ‘you almost never know where you are, just because from a day to another everything has changed’. Photography itself poses limits to the ability to catch that urban intensity; this exhibition, therefore, aims to recompose, and translate into images, the fragments of this strange and fascinating Universe.
(O) +86 10 58264512 (M) +86 13511028086 北京市朝陽區(qū)百子灣路32號蘋果社區(qū)(北區(qū))3B-111 郵編100022 Room111,Building3B, PingGuoSheQu, 32 Baiziwan Rd. Chaoyang Dist. Beijing. PostCode 100022 www.fakedesign.co.uk