Long Life Design: Thinking and Practice 2000-2020
Duration:May 29 – September 12, 2021
Opening:16:00, May 29t, 2021
Venue: OCT Art & Design Gallery, Shenzhen, China
Exhibition Director: Feng Feng
Curators: Nagaoka Kenmei, Zuo Jing
工作團隊 Teams
Exhibition Coordinators: Xie Anyu, Yu Minling
Exhibition Team:Meng Xiangyuan, Ye Fangqi, Huang Yue, Guo Yiyang
Public Education and Marketing:Chen Hang, Yang Tian, Cai Yingtong
Logistics: Pan Zhenggen, Li Tong, Zhang Jianxun, Dou Xiaochen
Accounting and Finance:Su Yanfen, Zhuang Qinming, Cai Peihong
Zuo Jing Studio: Wang Yanzhi, Zhang Xinyi, Zhang Xiangmei, Pu Jia, Guo Jingya, Yu Tingjie
BCAF: Cui Qiao, Hu Fei, Xuan Chunyi
Curatorial Team of Japan: D&DEPARTMENT
空間設計:Studio 10
Space Design: Studio 10
Visual Design: PAY2PLAY
Translators: Sauesr Miho, Tang Shi, Huang Yiyi, Hou Yuxi
Presented by: OCT Art & Design Gallery
Organizer: Zuo Jing Studio, D&DEPARTMENT
Co-organizer: Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation
Special Support: The Japan Foundation, Beijing
Support:Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Co.,Ltd.
Acknowledgments: InterContinental Shenzhen, Ant Arc, EJU-lenong, Leisure Valley Art Granary
KARIMOKU/MARUNI/MARNA/ADERIA/NORITAKE/HOUTOKU/ITOKI/ACE/KOTOBUKI/MOONSTAR/YAMAGIWA/TANAKA銘産/LANDPROTECT/株式會社藤木傳四郎商店/角館傳四郎/鈴木茂兵衛商店/浜松屋/OTA MOKKO/二上/FUTAGAMI/多鹿治夫剪刀製作所/TAJIKA/讚岐KAGARI手球保存會/土佐和紙paper lab/土佐和紙 PRODUCTS/丸直制陶所/矢野陶苑/D&DEPARTMENT/高橋工藝/第一橡膠/CO-UP GUARANA /SHOBU學園/金井工藝/及源鑄造/長谷川/山內武志/鈴木稔/羽田忠織物/TENJIN/SyuRo/comme des garcons/大嶺酒造株式會社/FUTAGAMI /fukurasha/源右衛門窯/尾崎人形工房/十三時/坂本工窯/尾上製作所/內藤商店/近江手作蠟燭大與/林工藝/登窯廣場展示工房館/Saredo/吉野割箸/森田千晶/COEDO/菅原工藝硝子/小川漁網商店/滴生舎/Ocho camp/DAIKO PRODUCT/梅野精陶所/BIG JOHN/奧順株式會社/三和酒類株式會社/和田邦坊/工藝風向/須浪亨商店/木曾木工協同組合/IS LIFE OLIVE FARM/北海道:瀨戶晉/青森:島守宏和/巖手:田代淳/宮城:村山耕二/秋田:田村一/山形:下山普行/福島:龜田大介/茨城:古橋治人/櫪木:佐佐木康弘/群馬:萩原將之/埼玉:高橋欣之/千葉:安達綾子/東京:西本良太/神奈川:清水勇太/新潟:大桃沙織/富山:木下寶/石川:山田真子/福井:鈴木美央/山梨:後藤晃一/長野:平勝久/岐阜:安土草多/靜岡:吉田直嗣/愛知:岡崎達也/三重:山本忠正/滋賀:大谷哲也/京都:奧村紳介/大阪:稻垣大/兵庫:齊藤幸代/奈良:山本直美/和歌山:梅本敏明/鳥取:山下裕代/島根:石飛勳/岡山:小林克久/廣島:shunshun/山口:原田和明/德島:矢野美穗/香川:石井章/愛媛:筱原元鬱/高知:森澤真紀/福岡:和田義弘/作賀:山本亮平/長崎:小島鐵平/熊本:高光太郎/大分:松田浩樹/宮崎:崎村久/鹿兒島:榮大貴/沖繩:玉元利幸/宮城:気仙沼編織/山形:AKAONI/琦玉:森田千晶/岐阜:淺野商店/廣東衣起來環保科技有限公司(回收衣物捐贈方)/碧山工銷社 /《d設計之旅・黃山》/ kleeklee/engraft/失物招領/夏木織物/舊好商店/設計互聯/連雅婷(海藻紡織品)/李麗君、孫文溪(LSDLAB)
Participating Brands:KARIMOKU /MARUNI /MARNA/ADERIA/NORITAKE /HOUTOKU/ITOKI /ACE /KOTOBUKI /MOONSTAR /YAMAGIWA / TANAKA-MEISAN / LANDPROTECT /FUJIKI DENSHIRO SHOTEN /SUZUMOSHOTEN / HAMAMATSUYA / OTA MOKKO / FUTAGAMI / TAKEJI HASAMI / TAJIKA TAKEJI HASAMI / SANUKI KAGARI TEMARI /TOSAWASHIPAPERLAB /TOSAWASHI PRODUCTS /MARUNAOSEITOSHO /YANO CERAMICS / D&DEPARTMENT /TAKAHASHIーKOGEI /DAIICHI-GOMU /CO-UP GUARANA / SHOBU STYLE / KANAIKOUGEI /OIGENFOUNDRY /HASEGAWA /YAMAUCHISENSHOKUKOBO / Minoru Suzuki / HADACHU ORIMONO / TENJIN / SyuRo / comme des garcons / Ohmine Shuzou /FUTAGAMI /FUKURASHA /Gen-emon Kiln / SAGARICH / 13 O’Clock /SAKAMOTO /ONOE / NAITO SHOTEN /WAROSOKUDAIYO /Fores /Noboru Kiln Square Exhibition Studio Building / Saredo /Chiaki Morita /COEDO /Sghr / Ogawa fishing net store /Tekiseisha / Ocho camp / DAIKO PRODUCT /Umeno Seitosho / BIG JOHN /Yuki Okujun / iichiko /Kunibo Wada /Foucault /Sunamitooru Shoten /Kiso Mokyo / IS LIFE OLIVE FARM / Hokkaidou: Susumu Seto / Aomori: Hirokazu Shimamori / Iwate: Jun Tashiro / Miyagi: Murayama Koji / Akita: Hajime Tamura / Yamagata: Hiroyuki Shimoyama / Fukushima: Daisuke Kameta / Ibaraki: Chijin Takahashi / Tochigi: Yasuhiro Sasaki / Gunma: Masayuki Hagiwara / Saitama: Yoshiyuki Takahashi / Chiba: Kawasumi Ayako / Tokyo: Nishimoto Ryota / Kanagawa: Yuta Simizu / Niigata: Saori Omomo / Toyama: Takara Kinoshita / Ishikawa: Yamada Mako / Fukui: Mio Suzuki / Yamanashi: Goto Koichi /Nagano: Katsuhisa Hira / Gifu: Azuchi Sota / Shizuoka: Naotsugu Yoshida / Aichi: Tatsuya Okazaki / Mie: Yamamoto Ryohei / Shiga: Tetsuya Otani / Kyoto: Okumura Shisuke / Osaka: Dai Inagaki / Hyogo: Sachiyo Seito / Nara: Naomi Yamamoto / Wakayama: Toshgaki Umemoto / Tottori: Hiroyo Yamashita / Shimane: Isao Ishitobi / Okayama: Katsuhisa Kobayashi / Hiroshima: shunshun / Yamaguchi: Kazuaki Harada / Tokushima: Miho Yano / Kagawa: Akira Ishii / Ehime: Motofumi Sinohara / Kochi: Maki Morisawa / Fukuoka: Wada Yoshihiro / Saga: Yamamoto Ryohei / Nagasaki: Teppei Kojima / Kumamoto: Taro Takamitsu / Oita: Hiroshi Matsuda / Miyazaki: Sakimura Hisashi / Kagoshima: Daiki Sakae / Okinawa: Toshiyuki Tamamoto /Miyagi : Kesennuma Knitting / Yamagata: AKAONI / Saitama: Chiaki Morita / Gifu: AsanoShoten /Guangdong Yiqilai Environmental Technology Co. / Ltd / ddesigntravelHUANGSHAN /kleeklee /engraft /Lost&Found /SUMMERWOOD /JIUHAO / Design Society / Lian Yating (Algae Textile) / LiLijun + Sun Wenxi(LSD LAB)
Public Programsof Exhibition –Long Life Design: Thinking and Practice 2000-2020
展覽附屬講座 Lectures
時間:2021年5月23日 16:00-17:30
Time: 16:00-17:30,May 23, 2021
Topic: How to Run an “Unprofitable” Store: About Bishan Crafts Cooperatives
Speaker: Zuo Jing
Venue:OCT Art
時間:2021年5月27日 14:30-17:30
Time: 14:30-17:30, May 27, 2021
Topic: Territory and Strategy: From Bishan to Dananpo
Speaker: Zuo Jing
Venue: Room 101, Building J, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (University Town Campus)
Jointly presented by OCT Art & Design Gallery and Department of Experimental Art,GAFA
展覽圓桌會議 Panel Discussion
時間:2021年5月30日 10:00-12:00
Time: 10:00-12:00,May 30, 2021
Topic: Long Life Design in China
Speakers: Zuo Jing, Yang Zhiyuan
Venue:OCT Art
展覽工作坊 Workshop
第一場:14:00-16:00 第二場:16:00-18:00
Date: May 30, 2021
First Session: 14:00-16:00; Second Session: 16:00-18:00
Topic: Stray Cats, Secondhand Clothing and Forest: A Social Enterprise Solution
Moderator: JIUHAO Studio
Venue:OCT Art
在本次展覽探討的主題“長效設計”(Long Life Design)理念發起者,日本設計活動家長岡賢明看來,長效設計是“另一種設計”,是對時下消費觀念的及時教育,也是對上述服從資本邏輯的“設計”理念的審視、反觀,以及——“糾正”。此次展覽由策展人長岡賢明、左靖聯合策劃,探討自2000年以來“長效設計”理念如何回應在其誕生地——日本由繁榮的消費文化和物欲催生的社會及環境問題;同時,本次展覽將植根于中國的本土語境,進一步提供“長效設計”理念在中國在地化的思考和實踐樣本,以此審視20年來中國經濟高速發展所帶來的深刻變化。
展覽分為十個單元進行呈現:1、何謂長效設計;2、D&DEPARTMENT店舖:長效設計的提案與銷售;3、60VISION:長效設計企業的初心;4、NIPPON VISION:長效設計的地域文化;5、d SCHOOL:學習長效設計;6、d design travel:體驗長效設計之旅;7、d食味研究所:品味長效設計;8、d47 MUSEUM:長效設計美術館;9、DESIGN RECYCLE:長效設計的迴圈再利用;10、在中國實踐長效設計。除此之外,還將結合第5單元,在展覽期間以深圳本地的可持續物品或活動為對象,組織d SCHOOL活動,並在華·美術館的衍生品商店開設D&DEPARTMENT店舖的快閃店。
Long Life Design: Thinking and Practice 2000-2020 (“the Exhibition”) will be presented by and at the OCT Art & Design Gallery in Shenzhen from May 29 until September 12, 2021. The Exhibition is organized by Zuo Jing Studio and D&DEPARTMENT in collaboration with Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation (BCAF) and under the auspices of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Co., Ltd. and the Japan Foundation.
‘Long Life Design’, as the theme of the exhibition, is a concept developed by Japanese design activist Kenmei Nagaoka. In the view of the designer, it is “another type of design”, which can help educate today’s consumers to develop rational consumption habits and examine, reflect on and even correct the prevailing design philosophy based on the logic of capitalism. Co-curated by Kenmei Nagaoka and Zuo Jing, the exhibition aims to discuss how the concept of long life design has been employed since 2000 to deal with the social and environmental problems caused by the booming consumerist culture and the insatiable material desires in Japan where the design idea was proposed. Proceeding from the special conditions of China, it tries to provide theoretical reflection and hands-on practice on localizing the design concept in the country.
The exhibition is presented in ten sections: 1) What Is Long Life Design; 2) D&DEPARTMENT Store: Proposal and Marketing of Long Life Design; 3) 60VISION: The Founding Aspiration of A Long Life Design House; 4) NIPPON VISION: The Local Culture of Long Life Design; 5) d SCHOOL: Learn How to Engage in Long Life Design; 6) d Design Travel: Experience A Journey of Long Life Design; 7) d Institute of Food and Taste: A Taste of Long Life Design; 8) d47 MUSEUM: Art Museum of Long Life Design; 9) DESIGN RECYCLE: Recycling of Long Life Design; and 10) Long Life Design in China. Besides, a special event by d SCHOOL will be staged in the combination of its exhibition section to showcase the sustainable products and activities in Shenzhen. A pop-up shop version of the D&DEPARTMENT store will be opened as part of the art derivatives store of OCT Art & Design Gallery during the Exhibition.
Design shall never be confined to one single, inflexible definition; instead, it should continue to take on new forms as its surroundings are constantly changing. Now, design has penetrated into more complex structures and networks. OCT Art & Design Gallery’s efforts in pushing the boundaries of design and its advocacy and practice of “long life design” are, in essence, the practice of social design. The Long Life Design: Thinking and Practice 2000-2020, a fusion of exhibition, museum shops, seminars, publications, and a series of public projects, is intended to spread the concept of long life design, clear up people’s long-standing misperceptions of design, and allow the public rediscover the real bond between design and life.
華·美術館OCT Art & Design Gallery
Opening Hours: 10:00 - 17:30 (Closed on Mondays, open on holidays, except in special circumstances)
Admission: Fullprice 15 RMB; Halfprice 8 RMB. Free on Tuesdays (except special exhibitions and holidays)
地址:深圳市南山區華僑城深南大道9009 - 1號(華僑城洲際大酒店西側)518053
Address: 9009-1 Shennan Blvd, Overseas Chinese Town, Shenzhen 518053, China (Next to InterContinental Shenzhen)
Metro: Line 1, OCT Station, Exit C
主視覺、前言+60 VISION
D47 musuem-47人工藝展
D47 musuem-虔誠的設計
Nippon Vision
d design travel
d cshool
D 食味研究所
d recycle
中國部分 黃山