杜吉鄧珠 簡歷 |
藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-11-12 13:07:30 | 文章來源: 藝術中國 |
杜吉鄧珠 生於1967年6月 1980-1990跟隨多位著名活佛、堪布學習藏文文法、書法、詩學、醫學、歷算、繪畫、藏傳佛教等知識 1995受邀中國藏學研究中心為大藏經進行插圖唐卡繪畫 1996-1997在成都與德格貢確扎西合作創辦了“多康唐卡畫院”,聘請了各藏區傳統的繪畫藝人二十余名; 1998年,將畫院搬遷至拉薩,並改名為“拉姆拉綽唐卡藝苑(仙湖藝苑)”,從此以該藝苑為基地,挖掘了早期噶當派,並傳承了噶瑪嘎智派唐卡畫風。受到了國家政協副主席阿沛?阿旺晉美、十一世班禪、著名畫家安多強巴、色達法王等人的高度鑒賞和親筆提詞,也得到了國內外知名人士和高僧大德的充分肯定; 1999年至今先後在拉薩創辦了拉薩崗地經貿有限公司、西藏拉姆拉綽唐卡藝苑(仙湖藝苑)、西藏拉薩吞柏古藏香有限公司、西藏唐古拉文化藝術發展有限公司 2006在繼承和吸收西藏各家唐卡畫派的基礎上,博眾家之長,創立了多派唐卡。 2008任中國奧運文化重點項目《格薩爾千幅唐卡》,1288幅唐卡的藝術顧問。 現任西藏吞米嶺?藏藝文博園項目董事長、中國藏學研究中心《中華大典》特約顧問、西南民族大學客座教授、香格里拉文博中心藝術顧問、《中國格薩爾王千幅唐卡》項目藝術顧問、中國唐卡博物館(在建)藝術顧問。 2001受託于國家政協副主席阿沛?阿旺晉美,為其繪製長壽佛精品唐卡,得到阿沛?阿旺晉美的高度讚揚並親筆題詞。 2002年,受託于華人首富李嘉誠先生,為其繪製一幅千手觀音精品唐卡。 2004年,受自治區民宗委委託,為十一世班禪繪製5幅精品唐卡,得到十一世班禪的親筆提詞,也得到了國內外知名人士和高僧大德的充分肯定。
Dorje Dondrub (Born in Jun, 1967) He was apprenticed to numbers of Rinpoches and khenpos, studied Tibetan grammar, calligraphy, poetics, medicine, astrology, painting and Tibetan Buddhism from 1980 to 1990. He was invited by Tibetology Research Centre of China, painted Thanka illustrations for Kangyur and Tengyur (the Translated Words of the Buddha and their commentaries and Treatises by Indian masters.) He and Konchog Tashi founded Dokham Thanka Art Academy in Chengdu. Employed more than twenty traditional Thanka painters from different places through Tibet from 1996 to 1997. In 1998, he moved the Art Academy to Lhasa and renamed as Lhamo Latsho Art World. Since then, based on the Art Academy as his foundation, trained many young learners so that Karma Gardri tradition was inherited and well reflourished. He received honorable handwriting appreciations of Ngaphod Ngagwang Jigme, the last CPPCC Vice-Chairman, the 13th Penchen Lama, celebrated painter Amdo Jampa, Choje Yizhin Norbu and etc. Obtained affirmation by personages in and out of the country at the same time. Since 1999, started his own company, Lhasa Khangdi Trading Co., Ltd in Lhasa. Tibet Lhamo Latsho Art World, Lhasa Tibet Tunmi Ancient Incense Co., Ltd, Tibet Tangula Culture & Art Development CO.,LTD. In 2006, based on the traditional Thanka paintings, he founded multi-style Thanka. In 2008, he acted as a consultant for the project of Thousand Gesar Thankas [1288 Thankas] of Chinese Olympic Games culture key project. Now he is the president of Tibet Thunmiling, consultant of Tibetology Research Centre of China for the project of Chinese Corpus, guest professor of Southwest University for Nationality, consultant of Shangrila Culture Centre, art consultant of Thanka Museum of China ( constructing). In 2001, he was entrusted with Ngaphod Ngagwang Jigme, the last CPPCC Vice-Chairman, received honorable handwriting appreciation on his work, long-life Buddha. In 2002, he was entrusted with richest man, Li Ka Shing to accomplish a Thanka of thousand eyed and thousand armed Avalokiteshvara. In 2004, he was entrusted with Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs to accomplish five Thankas, received honorable handwriting appreciation by the 13th Penchen Lama.
生於1967年6月。 1980-1990跟隨多位著名活佛、堪布學習藏文文法、書法、詩學、醫學、歷算、繪畫、藏傳佛教等知識;1995... |
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